What is Solstar?
SolStar is Solvasa's first major incentive program created to reward you for helping to launch and lead the Integrative Beauty movement. As a qualified SolStar Connector, you'll enjoy a one-of-a-kind 4-day/3-night wellness retreat in a beautiful destination where together we will celebrate our deepening partnership with rejuvenating and scenic outdoor experiences.
Qualification Period: August 1, 2020-January 31, 2021
Trip Timing: Spring 2021
- By August 31, 2020 12:00pm midnight PT, you must qualify as a Premier Ambassador Connector with minimum of 8000 Organization Volume. If you qualify under the original program eligibility requirements, you will receive a private group dinner with Lori Bush on the Friday night of the event.
With the extended qualification period, we have added more ways for you to qualify for Solstar! By January 31, 2021 12:00pm midnight PT, you must qualify as one of the following:
Achieve Lead Connector rank or higher for all 6 of the next 6 months, 4 of those months with $1k in PSV each month and 2 months with $4k in Org Volume. (August 2020 – January 2021)
Achieve Ambassador rank or higher and $4k in Org Volume for any 2 months in a row during the next 6 months. (August 2020 -January 2021)
Achieve Premier rank or higher and $8k in Org Volume for any one month out of the next 6 months (August 2020 -January 2021)
As a qualified Solstar Connector, hotel, transportation, all Solstar events and sessions, group meals and breakfast will be included with your trip.*
Other Ways to Join In:
All New/Current Connectors: Achieve Lead Connector rank or higher in your first full month in business or starting August 2020 (if enrolled prior to August 2020) and hold LC rank or higher every month through end of program to review a non-hosted invitation.** A "New Connector" is any Connector who enrolls between August 1, 2020 and December 31, 2020.* A "Current Connector" is any Connector who enrolled prior to August 1, 2020.
Eligibility Determination:
Eligibility for all levels will be determined after the conclusion of the Commissions Period ending on January 31, 2021. The reward and/or invitation is for the qualifying Connector only. If Connector is a business entity only one person from the entity is entitled to attend.
*Terms and conditions are subject to change. The timing of the trip may be changed as needed to accommodate health and safety guidelines.
**Invitation includes:
Special session with Mindfulness Expert, Dr. Kristen Race
Excursion with lunch on Friday
NOTE: Hotel, transportation, airfare and meals will not be included. You will be responsible for your own expenses. You will be able to use Solvasa hotel block. However, any cancellation or other fees will be at your expense.
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